Saturday, 17 September 2016

Second Co-Op Plaement

School year 2016 - 2017

In grade 12, I continued to take part in the  CO-OP program at school.  By doing CO-OP I was able to earn credits towards my high school diploma.   I completed  a two-credit CO-OP in grade 11 and knew from my CO-OP experience I wanted to do more CO-OP placements.  I knew CO-OP would help me earn valuable experience that I could take to the work force when I graduated from high school..

I did not want to go back to the grocery store where I had my placement in Grade 11 but the options I had were very limited and I stressed to my teacher that I would like to work someplace where they sold video games and electronic equipment.  My  CO-OP teacher managed to get me an interview with Vhing at Best Buy in Kanata. I was really excited to go to this interview and was ready for any question that was asked.  I did the interview and was told I could start the next week.  I was so excited as this was going to be a dream CO-OP placement. - it WAS!  I now know that I want to work with electronics and video games in the future so this placement was the best place for me.

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